
The Furman Free Speech Alliance’s Vision for the University

  1. Furman adopts the Chicago Principles through a vote by the faculty (Learn more about the Chicago Principles here.) Achieved, February 2024.

  2. President Davis issues a public statement sent to the Furman community reiterating her dedication to free and open debate on campus, academic freedom, and political diversity. Achieved, February 2024.

  3. President Davis issues a public statement condemning the removal and/or defacement of advertisements for approved speakers on campus.

  4. Required statements on DEI for hiring, tenure, and promotion are eliminated.

  5. Language on “anti-racism” in job advertisements is eliminated.

  6. Furman rewrites its speech codes to better protect student speech and move from a "red light" ranking to a "green light" ranking by FIRE.

  7. Students are introduced to the importance of free expression on campus at orientation.

  8. Furman sponsors civil discourse events to increase students' ability to discuss controversial ideas.

  9. The Bias Reporting Incidence system is replaced with a process that does not violate First Amendment rights.

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